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Innovative Organic Agriculture Practice
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Every ecology –soil, water & air- has a unique composition. Furthermore, ecology consists of microbial, inorganic & organic matter. Especially, microbial presence is dependent of inorganic & organic matter and also of environment; i.e. relative humidity, temperature, pH, moisture etc. Bio-availability of nutrition & organic recycling solely depend on microbial profile & its population. That means, all above-mentioned factors are interrelated & if we intentionally or unintentionally bring in change in any of the factors, we do affect local ecology. Even change in crop pattern or irrigation method or different inputs also can affect an ecology. Non judicious use of chemical fertilizers & pesticides bring in irreversible changes in ecology.

For example, soil pH above 7.75 is an ideal environment for growth of few fungal species, which thrive on tender roots & shoots. If we can bring the pH down to below 7.5, we can force them to dormancy & at the same time, can also support to reactivate fungal colonies, which are symbiotic. In case soil pH is less than 6.5, it will restrict the microbial profile & population both. Such a situation can hamper nutritional availability & nutritional movement within soil. IOAP can balance the soil pH & maintains between 6.50-7.50 in 3 days to 15 days.